Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Project four brief - photography

In this project you are to consider editorial design, looking especially at the combinations of image and typography. You are to spend time looking at grids and how they are used to underpin the layout of pages for magazines and books.
You are to take a series of your photographs that fit the topic Environment
How you choose to interpret this word is up to you. It may be that you make a series of images specifically about a particular environment or space, such as a room or home; or it may be about The Environment, including weather or issues of ecology. 
You should present in your sketch book at least 20 photographs.

The Brief
1) You are to design layouts for two double page spreads for a fictional magazine called, Photography Now. The layouts should showcase your own photography on the Environment topic. How many images you use in your spreads is up to you. The format of these pages is  200mm x 200mm per single page. You may design in any creative style that you wish, based on your research findings (which you must evidence). You must use only Quark or InDesign only for layout.

2) You will need to have created a body of research and planning for your photos. You must show links between this and your editorial layout. You will need to have a body of photography work completed fairly quickly. You may use stock photos while planning your dummy layouts; but your final must contain your own imagery.

3) You will need to have created a body of research in which you explore exemplars of editorial design. You should try to make analysis, using overlays, of the underlying grid structure of some of these. You should also comment on styles used. You must evidence links between this and your layout.

4) You must also write and layout within your spreads, a piece of text of between 200 and 400 words. This will be a personal justification of how you approached your photography. You should consider and use appropriate application of typography to set this text.

Research is a key component of this module. The research you should present must include preparatory studies for your photographs; research on layout styles and techniques, including grids; specific research into the magazine you are designing for.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


The way in which my cover and double page spread meets the needs of the brief is that for the cover I have used my own image that I have created. I made this by drawing it by hand and then I scanned it in to be able to edit on Photoshop. For the double page spread I used a found image from a photographers website, referencing this image on my blog. Also referencing the article on the blog in full. The only way I think that it fails to meet the brief is that when printing it off, I realized that there are a few mistakes that I haven't noticed before when I did practice prints. I will reprint these for portfolio though. The strengths of the visual communication on my front cover is that I think it portrays the theme really well, illustrations that I have done show what I am basing my subculture on and also the shape I have done these illustrations in, both these components link together to make the visual communication work. The weakness of the visual communication I feel is on the double page spread. I think that by only having that one image - it works but I don't think it fully puts across the subculture with just the single photograph. The way in which the pieces could be mis-read by the audience, the audience being, the usual customers of Creative Review and people interested in the surfing culture, I also don't think there is a limit on the age group although I think that it would be from the age of 18 youngest. But the only way I think that this could be mis-read that it could look as though from the cover it is a issue on illustration. Although if you look under the title it does say it is 'The Surf Issue' but this isn't automatically visible. A way in which the front cover could be developed or improved is that maybe to put something else on there. I think that if I had more time with this cover to develop it further I would want to do some more illustrations to put along side the ones I have on there. With the double page spread I think that I would put a little more detail in around the text. I am happy with this layout though as I think that sometimes the less on a page, can look better and less daunting.

My time keeping throughout this project I think I kept quite well. I did all my research at the start and gave my self enough time to do designs and enough to be able to change these designs if I needed to. I think that I did enough research to be able to get my ideas and final designs and get a  good understanding of the subculture and its history, style and graphics.I used my research to generate ideas by looking at David Carson and other poster designs. I liked David Carson's illustration designs and so I came to my final from going online and searching through a lot of his art work. Also when I made the VW Camper van on illustrator it came from the culture that is well known. It was quite an obvious thing to look at for the surfing culture and I thought it would be a good idea to make it so that any audience would instantly recognize this cover as a surfing cover. I experimented during the project using InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop to create different ideas and change colours. As a personal target I wanted to use colour in this project and so I played around with this a lot in this project. The parts of the project that I enjoyed and feel that i worked my best at was the designing process, experimenting with ideas and colour because I wanted to try new things out and this was exciting but on the other-hand the part that I didn't really enjoy was trying to get InDesign to work properly for me. I have never used this program before this project and so I found it quite difficult to try and learn parts of it in such a short amount of time. The printing process was also quite difficult, having problems with the sizing when trying to get both the pieces to print from InDesign and Illustrator. To make future projects easier I want to develop my skills with using InDesign, I think that I could really benefit from this.


Front cover

Double page spread

The article that I have used in the double page spread was from:

I have used only small sections of the article rather than the whole thing.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Double page spread final ideas

This is my first design of my double page spread. I just wanted to have a quick recap on how to do a few things on InDesign so I did this idea. I do think that it is a little bit too plain and boring. I think I might try and find a smaller article to use as I think there is too much text and I would like to make the image the feature that stands out the most. I have decided that I want to use the VW camper as an image that I am going to use as I think that I will use my surf board design as my front cover as I think I am more comfortable with that design and am slightly more passionate about the simplisticness of it and I think I want that theme to carry on through to my DPS.

This screenshot is a development from the first design that I did. I changed it so that the text when around the image of the VW Camper. I still think that there is too much text on the pages as I wanted it a little more minimal. 


This is my favourite idea that I have made from the three. I think that I have finally come to the right amount of text on the pages. I cut down the article by about half and put it into sections which I think looks a lot better than in about 4 columns. 
I think that I will go for this idea because I think it relates best to the front cover and also the theme. The image that I have used I think links better than the VW Camper. Even though I spent a long time on the Camper van, I think that overall this image looks a lot better to go with the subculture. 

Friday, 2 December 2011

Front cover ideas


This here is a version of a final idea I have made. I am going to develop this more with the VW Camper. I have already done the development that I think will look good and for my next step with this design I am going to put that image of the Camper into this idea.

This design is a different variant of the idea that I have already done. I have decided to stick to this sort of theme as I think that it links really well to the subculture. I have added the number plate with the letters 'SURF CULTURE' as then I think that it shows what the article in the magazine will be about. 
To make this idea a bit better I think I am going to make the VW thinner like the original drawing that I did on Illustrator. I think this one looks slightly odd now from looking at it at a different time of looking at it. It looks too bit compared to the other ones I have done. 
I used the basic outline in this idea, I thought that I would try it out to see what it would look like and I found that I quite liked it. I probably won't use this as my final because I have decided that for this project I would like to use more colour than I have in previous projects. But I do like the simplicity of this one. 

I really like this one also. I think that the way that the image is still recognizable as the VW but the background is obviously parts of the image in the middle it all seems quite strange to look at but I think that it works really well. Again with this idea though I think I need to thin the whole piece out. It all looks a bit too stretched out and I don't think that part of it looks good. 



Surf board shape made from waves with surfers.

This is a drawing that I have done that goes back to my original thumbnail ideas. Doing an illustration by hand and then putting this into photoshop and editing it. I am really pleased with how this has turned out and I am going to experiment on Photoshop and Illustrator with colour, positioning and size.

This experiment was my first one with this new illustration. Personally I really like it, as I am fond of the saying 'less is more'. I think that this definitely applies to this cover. The detail is what grabs you. But the only thing I would say that I want to improve on is the colour. As a target to myself I really feel as though I want to start including colour in my ideas. So to further this design I am going to do more experimentation to create an image that is more visually exciting for other viewers.

These three surf boards are the same as the first initial black illustration. I have edited the black one in Photoshop three times to create these ones in colour. I do think that I have succeeded in making them more visually exciting like I had said in the previous design analysis. I am going to try out cover designs with these. 

This is the design that I think I am going to go ahead with. I have chosen to use these colours because they are quite natural and calming colour to see. They represent the feel to the surfing culture well.  There are a few things that I need to change to make it right. I need to slightly move the blue surf board nearer to the green one, measuring the gap between green and yellow. I am going to also just experiment with putting a border around the edge to see what looks better. 

Monday, 28 November 2011

development of ideas

Here I am going to show images and screen shots of ideas that I have had. I have decided to do some quick experiments with different ways in which I could produce an idea.

This first experiment that I have done is of idea three. I really liked this idea because it is not directly obvious as a surfing cover. But within developing this idea I am going to add things that make it into this, maybe obvious or not so obvious, but I will decide this as I go along, seeing what looks better and more suitable. 

This screen shot was the first few lines I did of the outline of the VW Camper van.

Here I have taken two screen shots of the VW badge. I think that this is one of the most important aspects of the vector drawing so I wanted to make sure that it looked good.

This screen shot is a more progressed version of the outline drawing of the VW Camper. At this stage I think it is going well.

In this stage I have used Photoshop to colour in the VW. I have used block colour on the van to create the graphic and simple look to it. I really like the colours that I have used, they are calm and the cream and green I think look good together. 

This image here is the jpg of the image I have created. This is not the final piece that I am using. I just wanted to see what the van would look like in full colour before I add more to it. I am planning to add more details around the van that relate to the surfing culture.
To develop this idea forward I am going to create more to the image creating the whole of the front cover. 

This screen shot is just to show the development I have done on the VB Camper van image. I have just added some small extras, including the mirrors, which I forgot to put on the first time and some shine on the camper and lights.

This experiment here was simply a happy accident. I was on photoshop with the JPG and i tried to magic want around the edge of the VW and by pressing back space after this it created this. I think it was because it wasn't a layer, as it was the background flat image. I really like this though, by experimenting and playing around with the image I sometimes tend to come arcross things that I wouldn't be able to create if I tried. 


Here is the basis of the front cover magazine that I am going to use. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Presentation on surf culture

This is a presentation sheet that I have made ready for a class on the 22nd November which includes listening to everyone elses subculture ideas and research. 

Monday, 21 November 2011



Here is just a quick few notes and a small thumbnail of an idea that I had after doing some research into the work of the graphic designer David Carson. 

Here is an image that inspired me to put a slight hand drawn aspect to the design.

Idea for the Big Surf cover from '02 designed by David Carson. CD cover and interior spread.
A small section of the Carson image from above.

The hand-drawn part of the idea that I have done a sketch of was inspired from this Carson image. I think that this could work well as a section of the cover and flowing on into the double page spread back drop. I think that the photography and hand drawn combined works really well. I have experimented with it before and using mixed media is something that is always original. 


This was only a second idea sketch. I'm not as keen on this ideas as I am for my first. The bikini and swim shorts do fit well with the theme that I have chosen but I think that it is too obvious and doesn't really show creativity within an idea because the two items are right there in a big format, not really leaving much space. I did this idea quickly thinking I could create something else better from it, I may come back to this in the future, taking certain aspects from this idea to create something better.


This idea is something that I thought of after seeing a VW drive past me on my walk home one evening.  It was a classic VW Camper van that had been renovated and looked in perfect condition. With this idea I want to make a VW on illustrator and recreate one with my choice of colour. I think that the colour I want to use for this idea is neutral colours, I think that this portrays the calm atmosphere that you would associate with the surfing lifestyle. 

This idea was another thumbnail drawing I had after looking at a few images online from artist called... It is made up of dots. I would like to make an idea of a wave that is created purely from dots and different sizes of dots.

Ideology in the surfing culture

Ideology is a set of beliefs held by a group of people. 

Binary opposites for the surfing subculture:

• Life & death
• Safety & danger
• Beauty & ugly
• Rough & calm
• Sun & rain
• Skills & learning
• Dressed & undressed

These are all the opposites that I think apply to my chosen subculture.

Covers and layouts


 As I am designing my cover and double page spread for Creative Review, I have looked at a few double pages and covers that have been designed by them previously. 

Nice image of a mud-spattered lawnmower racer from ourHondamentalism campaign used on the cover of Creative Review's photography annual.
I think that this front cover from Creative Review is effective and eye catching. At a first glance I thought this was an illustration because of the speckled effect from the mud and that it was in black and white, but until I looked closer I realised it was a photograph. Although I don't think that I will do something quite so simple as just a photograph for my front cover, I did like the striking image on this front cover.

 This front cover is inspiring to me as I think that an image doesn't need to be seen as it is up front, like this image, it can be properly viewed from a distance and on a shelf in a shop, this is what you would see - from a distance. In my ideas I think experimenting with this effect would be worthwhile and exciting.


Whilst looking through a selection of magazine covers from Dazed & Confused this one in particular caught my eye. I think because of all the colour on the faces. The face make up is unusual and not what  even a clown would wear as their 'normal' look. This has a sinister feel to it, like the mouth joining on to both girls, it reminds me of the Joker from the Batman films. This has inspired me to want to put colour into my designs. 


I was going to look at some other magazine covers, but before I found this cover by Dazed & Confused. It has a punk theme going on. It reminded me a lot of the Sex Pistols 'God save the Queen' image that is well known. It doesn't really link to my subculture in anyway, like the other covers I have looked at could be linked and portrayed in a similar way to my subculture, this one however I think just caught my eye with the British theme that I found a really strong way to get peoples attention with the colour palette.

These two magazine covers from the poetry and illustration magazine 'Popshot' relate to what I would like to do for my covers the most out of the ones I have looked at previously. I would like to have a illustration feel to them. Whether done by hand or on Illustrator I think I would like to go down this kind of route rather than a photograph. I think these kind of covers are a lot more appealing and interesting to look at, they are more personal. I do beleive that they will only target a certain audience but I think that the magazine is designed and created for those people anyway. 

Print Making magazine front cover (found in library)
The simpleness of this front cover is what interested me. The way that it takes up the whole page I think is a creative way to get peoples attention. It becomes almost like a poster before you notice the text. 

The Visual Dictionary of Illustration by Mark Wigan
This is a front cover that I found on a book in the library. It is not a particularly interesting book cover, but if you are someone who is interested in typography than this could entice you in. although the book is actually based on illustration I don't think that the cover portrays what is inside well. 


Looking at some double page spreads from Creative Review has definitely helped me think of a few ways in which I would like to begin designing ideas for my double page spread. I have looked at quite a few and these two that I have picked from the most recent issue caught my eye with where the images and text has been placed. The one on the bottom is the kind of layout that we have been looking at in class, I think this is a good and effective easy way to be able to read text easily and relate back to the images. I think in my designs I would like to experiment with placing the text in more unusual ways, as the theme of surfing could help this be a lot more 'out there'. 


This magazine layout I find really interesting with the quirky ways in which the text has been laid out. It fits well with the theme that it is showing in the images. The rock and roll look to the pages all links well with every piece that has been put into the double page spread. The colours and shapes that jut out into the middle of the page direct your eye to the images.

Double page spread from Printmaking magazine
There is quite alot of text on this double page spread which I don't think I want to do with my double page spread. I think that it takes away the attention from the images. Although there is quite al lot of text I think that the way that it has been placed around the images and the title is good. The columns split it up enough for it to be easy enough to read.

Double page spread from The Visual Dictionary of Illustration by Mark Wigan
I think that the way out of this book is a lot better as there is less text. Although it may also be because the book is a lot smaller than the other. The text will need to be the same size so it is still readable. So therefore there has to be a little less on one page. 

Double page spread from Communication Arts magazine
When I first saw this double page spread I thought that it was quite cluttered and almost as though it had just been thrown on to the page. I don't think that the borders around the images make it look as though it comes from an arts magazine, but more of just a normal information journal. Its quite child like to have borders. The placing of the images I think also doesn't do it any justice. 

Double page spread from Communication Arts magazine
Compared to the double page spread previously this one has a lot better layout. The images are set in a much better place and inline which is easier on the eye. I think there is just the right amount of text on there too which doesn't overwhelm you when you see the pages. I think from my point of view, the images mean a lot more when you first see a page than the amount of text. 

Double page spread from Printmaking magazine

This also a good and easy layout. I think that because the text is all set at the bottom of the pages it is easily know where to look and read first. 

Surfing culture - style, graphics and history

Every subculture has its own dress style, graphics, history, jobs, music, places and general feel to being within the subculture. 
Surfing definitely has all of these as an individual feel and style. 

When you think of surf style dress sense, you generally think of bikinis, hawaiian print and shorts. There are certain shops that do this as an whole style sense, it has become more world wide known as a style but you can tell the difference between a surfer and some body who just dresses in some aspects with a logo. The brands that are most known for their surf culture are: O'Neill, Billabong, Animal, Rip Curl, Quicksilver and Roxy.
Part of the surf culture style, especially with woman is the hair style. The usual and most recognizable style is a slight wave, blonde or light brown, a natural look, same goes for the amount of make up, usually minimal if anything. 

Stephanie Gilmore - one of the most accomplished surfers in the world. (HAIR STYLE)



These are two of the brands that have the clothing and the culture. They all host events to do with surfing. If you look at the logos from the brands they all have some kind of wave image involved. 
David Carson

Cover for surfing issue.

David Carson

Cover for surfing issue.
These two posters are made by a graphic designers called David Carson. I think that both of these posters are interesting. They both have a personal and first hand illustration feel to them which I think makes them work. I would like to incorporate this effect to ideas that I am doing.  

"  In the early days of surfing in ancient Hawaii. Surfing was a deeply spiritual affair, from the art of riding waves itself, to praying for good surf, to rituals surrounding building a surfboard. Surfing was not only a recreational activity, it was also a training exercise for Hawaiian chiefs and a means of conflict resolution. There were two kinds of surfboard in these times, an 'Olo' (rode by the chiefs or the noblemen known as the 'Alii') and a 'Alaia' (rode by the commoners). The wooden boards were made using the Wili Wili, the Ula and the Koa tree's. And ranged from 10 to 16 feet long depending on social class… 10-12 feet for commoners and 14-16 feet for the noblemen and chiefs.   "

From reading up on the history about surfing I found it really interesting to see how it came about. I did not expect it to originate from a religious background. Also the way that the surf board lengths, about being how this told everyone whether they were a chief or a commoner was interesting.