Thursday, 5 April 2012

Web design - research brief

Explore ALL of these websites – it is in your own interest to be aware of as many contemporary companies and designers as possible. This will help you to understand what kinds of design each one specialises in but will also allow you to become familiar with benchmark design. There is about one per day of the holidays.
Tasks 1-5 in sketchbooks (or equivalent) Task 6 on presentation boards.
1) Compare the ways that designers and design companies present their websites. Use the Website Design Analysis sheet on Moodle (under website project) to make close deconstruction of at least TEN of these websites (more would be good). 
2) But also try to make more of a semiotic/ideological analysis of the websites too – 
  • How/ in what ways do these HAIL the audience?
  • What signifiers tell you anything about the way the quality or ethos of the sites?
  • What basic assumptions (ideologies) do they make about the viewers/clients and how do you know/deduce this from the signifiers? Also a binary opposites analysis might help here
3) Look in particular at the way that the design pieces are displayed and compare this to the way you are currently displaying hard copy work in your portfolio. Draw some conclusions and make some personal targets.
4) Now select ONE designer or company that you find particularly inspiring. Choose THREE pieces of design (these might be separate items or three campaigns of linked items) and make analysis of each of these:
  • Why do you like it find it inspiring?
  • What is the message/purpose of the piece?
  • Who is the audience and HOW does it hail the audience?
  • In what ways would you say it is innovative (if it is) OR why is it appropriate for this piece to use traditional conventions?
  • Outline the signifiers and how they tell you anything about the signified meaning – look at things like messages, narrative, quality, hailing and anything else that you deduce.
  • Would you say that this designer or design company has a recognisable style – if so describe why this is, or say why this is not the case.
5) Repeat number 4 with two more designers or design companies.
6) You are now going to move on to design web portfolios as well as re-model your hard copy one. From all of the information that you have explored please prepare a presentation (5-10 mins) that shows your own research conclusions and personal reflections and demonstrates your personal targets for your web portfolio and any other professional practice. Use images to help explain your thoughts. Present PROFESSIONALLY!!
Design companies:
  1. Carter Wong  
  2. Pentagram 
  3. Why Not Associates 
  4. Spin 
  5. Ligalux 
  6. Studio Cuculic 
  7. Design Gruppe Koop 
  8. Hat Trick 
  9. NB Studio 
  10. Segura Inc 
  11. Milton Glaser 
  12. Gavin Ambrose 
  13. Jake Tilson 
  14. Johnson Banks 
  15. Pearl Fisher 
  16. Big Fish 
  17. Stefan Sagmeister 
  18. Oded Ezer 
  19. Saed Meshki 
  20. Barnbrook 
  21. Ellen Lupton

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