Wednesday, 9 November 2011


For this postcard project, I think that my pieces meet the needs of the brief in a visual communication approach well. I think that I have keep both postcards simple but I believe that they would attract people in to the conference. I also think the reverse of the postcard meets the needs of the brief well as I have kept it to a minimum but also writing enough information for you know enough to want to carry on finding out more about this in the conference. I don't think that my postcards fail to meet the brief. The only way I would say this doesn't meet anything is my personal targets made by myself. I said that in future projects I would include colour. I have experimented with more colour, but I decided against it for my finals. In my history of type postcard I included a small injection of colour, but they still remain quite dark and contrasting to the white background, which is what, for my design, I think worked better when looking at my other, more colorful design for the Garamond postcard. The strengths in my postcards I think are that they are very simple and instantly know what they are showing and advertising. Anyone who is interested and has some knowledge of type will know the typeface that I have written and used on the front. The weaknesses of the visual I have used might be because it is simple. Personally I think it is a strong point, but some people may think differently and react better to colorful postcards. I does not cater for all opinions of effectiveness. This links to the audience also, people may mis-read or mis-understand what it is about because of these reasons. The target audience for these postcards are designers, students of design and the general public who have an interest in type. 

My time keeping within this project was good, as it was only a 2 week project I was very aware that time was not on my side so I had to use my time wisely. My research for this project I found quite difficult as there was not always reliable sources online for the history. Allot of websites said different things so it was difficult to get the correct information I needed. I went into the library to find something more reliable and found some books on text and this is where I got my characteristics information for Garamond. I drew conclusions from the research with the blurb, I just used the basic part of information that I found, with my research I did get some ideas, mostly from other posters that I found has used the same text that I was using. I found these really useful and gained allot of ideas from them. I used self evaluations throughout my development, it helped me because I could go back and read what I had already done and think back into new ideas from this. It keeps document of what I know and research. I used experimentation within this project with potato cutting the letters, this wasn't as successful as I'd hoped but it was worth trying to see what effect it brought me, and I may even use this in a future project. The parts in this project that I enjoyed the most was designing the postcards with an allocated typeface, because I didn't have any other typeface to use, it was interesting to try out more experiments and getting to know what was possible within just one typeface. What I least enjoyed though was the research, because I found it quite difficult to find appropriate information, another thing that I thought needed to be different with the project as a whole was that some people were not allocated typefaces that were available to us.The parts that I think I could improve on was the amount of research I did for this. I would of liked a bit more time on the project and I think this would of given more time and less time to panic on the amount of research I needed. 

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