Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Interactive InDesign

Using InDesign. 

This is creating the new document for the interactive part of InDesign. It is a pretty straight forward document.

after creating the circle and the line, select both of the items and click on animation. and click on the animate button, which is this icon: 

when this has been done, click on the preview button and this will show me what I have made. The only thing that is wrong with this now is the timing. 

So next I clicked on amination again and I could change the duration of the ball on the line, I slowed it down so it was on 3 seconds, this made the ball go slower.

I then put some text on the piece and I did the same (animation process) but when pressing preview the two items do not do things at the same time. So for this to change so that the two items move at the same time I clicked on the option 'timing' and there is an icon at the bottom of this screen which links the two together so that they move at the same time. 

Here are two screen grabs of the animation happening. I changed the timing to 10 seconds. 


Making a slideshow on InDesign.

Using Mini Bridge - found in the window drop down menu, it allows you to open the images in an easier way. I selected all the images that I needed to create the slideshow, and dragged them into the document.

Selecting all the images on the document, click on the object state button and the I clicked on the small icon at the bottom: 
this icon will make the images into states. 

To make the slideshows buttons, I just made some circles, selected one circle at a time, I did the first button by then clicking on the 'buttons' button and this will bring up this:

Once this page comes up (this screen grab is the finished version of a button) I clicked on the + icon next to action and this will bring up a list of actions that this button could do. I need this button to go to the image before, so I chose 'Go to previous state'. I chose different colours for the button, so that when I hover over this it turns lilac. I did this same process for the 'Go to next state' button. 

Here are two screen grabs from the preview screen. As you can see here, the buttons are both different colours as I had the mouse hovering over them. 

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