Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Development of layouts

When starting to make my layouts I am going to show the stages in which I went through to make the grid and how I start to create the layouts. 

Here is the set up options screen grab for InDesign and creating the document. Using page sizes of 200mm by 200mm and 4 pages for the 2 double page spreads that I am making. As you can see here I have chosen to use 6 columns, from my research I think that this is a good amount of columns to use.

Here are the thumbnails of my layouts designs. I tried to do quite a few for a variety to choose from when doing experiments. I have done these as a base, they might even change slightly when I am making the designs because what I have done on paper, may not work as well on screen with the grids on InDesign. 

These two screen grabs are just the first idea I have had for a layout. Because this is a photography magazine I would like to keep the text and layout of the text simple and make the images stronger and the main thing to look at. I think with this choice of type this does exactly that. It's clean, simple and easy to read. 
This is only the first page so I still have a lot of development left to do with these layouts. I am working with the grids within InDesign to keep everything in line which in previous project I haven't done this as much and I think it will definitely pay off to make this a habit of using.

The only thing that  I think that wouldn't work with this first design I have done is that the image I have chosen to use doesn't really link to the title of "forgotten Brighton' as it doesn't portray Brighton as much as some of my other images might do. 

A way to change this and make it work with the images rather than changing this to work with the image is to change the title. I could use the word 'forgotten'. This will link to the images that I am going to use. 

Here I have slightly altered my idea with the image and the title. I have chosen here some derelict arches that I think make the title make more sense that the last idea. The colour scheme in this layout idea I think also links together really well. 

What I am going to try as an idea next is to use the whole image as a page. As after doing the reaserch into editorial magazine layouts, some have used just the whole image with a small piece of text over the top.

Also, with the ideas that I am going to produce next I am going to use the knowledge that I have learnt about columns and grids and use around 8 columns to help me divide the page up, this will give the layout a more editorial and clean.


Here I have mirrored an image that I have taken of some huts in the arches in Brighton. I think this looks quite visually effective but I don't think it is quite strong enough layout design for this project. 


I really like this first double page layout design that I have done. I think that by using the strongest image that I have has realy put the title to use. I think that I have found the best link of title and photograph that I wanted to get. I am going to continue with this by creating the second double page spread to go with this design. 

Here is my second layout for the previous design. These are the two that carry on after each other. I think that the amount of images that I have used is good, I dont think I would want any more and over load the eye.I am going to carry on developing these layouts to get them to the best as I think that this kind of way of layouts works really well together. 


I have linked this idea to a layout that I looked at whilst doing my research. 

I think that the simplisticity of this design is really effect. I have chosen a text serif text because the image that I have used in this idea of the burnt down pier has just the outline and when looking at it, I thought that the type of font that would go best with this would be a serif. 

I  think that this layout design works, I want to keep changing small parts around, seeing what would be visually exciting. I think that the image being reflected is effective but I'm not sure that it works for this project. I would like the keep the banner like type of positioning on the page as I think it directs the eye straight to the main focal point which of course is the burnt down pier, then I find my eye goes straight to the title next, linking to two perfectly together.

This is the other layout of the previous layout. I don't think that the big image really works as well. I think that there needs to be something smaller and more variety of images there. I like the layout of the second page here because the images all lay up. I have used 6 columns here in the layout too, with each part taking 2 columns. 


These two screen grabs are some layouts that I have been working on for a few hours trying to tweek things to get the placing in the grids perfect. I have been having difficulty trying to fit images in, in a good way on the second layout. I am getting there slowly but my next step here is to add the text so that I can get this to fit in with the images. I am really happy with my first double page spread from this set, there is just a few small things that I want to do to just make it better layout wise.


Here is a screen grab of how I am using the grids. Here with the paragraph of text I have gone slightly out of the original grid as looking at it within 1 column I think it looked slightly too skinny as a piece of text. So I have used the gutters here to make that slightly wider. 

These screen grabs here are what I have chosen for my final. I have tweaked the second double page layout a few ways and need to look at the pros and cons of each and decide which one I think works better for a reader. From my point of view I think that the second double page spread is the one that is best readable and grabs attention most. I am going to ask a few friends to see what they think as I would class these as the audience.

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