Monday, 2 January 2012

The role of research


I think the role or purposes of research for a graphic design project are: inspiration, development - help develop my ideas, what's 'on trend', to know all relevant information about the subject for the client, audience - what they want, accuracy and facts, help you understand and expand your knowledge, improving skills, learning, comparing your work with others, helping you prove a point. 
The parts of research that have been inspirational to me are looking at other layouts within magazines, I think one of the most important parts of looking at these layouts was recognizing the grid. I think that this was really useful with my research as it helped me a lot with making my layouts and what is acceptable. In my blog I have shown this by analysing the layouts, explaining the grids and the placing of the images and text. 
The strengths in my method of research is when doing any kind of research and I come across an interesting graphic designer, whether their work links to my project or not, I write their name down for future reference. So with this project I had previously found an designer that had interesting magazine layouts. These were mainly fashion photography layouts but I think that this still links well to this project, photography was still involved and the different layouts were the main component here. Another strength that I have with research is
timing. When I do research I like to have a set amount of time with it as I want to have another time to be able to design, I try to make the research as much to the point as possible.  The weakness that I have with research is that I sometimes go off track and branch off into things that may not link to my project, but I have said here also that this is also a strength, but with a time limit that I have set for research it sometimes a weakness. 

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